Apvien?ba šobr?d akt?vi koncert? un mekl? b?tus topošajam albumam. 9. novembr? pie klaus?t?jiem non?ks ar? miksteips Beats & Lyrics 2 Go A3C . Lejupiel?d?t: The Artifacts ? Big Deal [prod. 44th P] ? City Haze ? Lost In Tokyo [prod. ...
The first time I met him was after his Friday night show at the Royal Albert Hall, at a party in an upmarket West End hotel. He talked with an impressive ferocity and fluency to a little group of us about why he demanded restraint from ...
significa un sacco, questa scelta, perch? riporta alla memoria quello storico, primo concerto del tizio in blue jeans in italia, nel 1985 per il bitusa tour, concerto che lasci? un segno indelebile in chi c'era, e in chi era sul palco, ...